Don’t give up on Craigslist, just don’t look in San Diego. The employers get swamped. There are MANY telecommute jobs out there, sometimes only posted in small cities. I recently got a contract via Craigslist. It was 100% telecommute and there was a lot of work – but I couldn’t stand the managers attitude. If I was desperate I might have been able to. Try sending your resume; find something about the industry that interests you and include that in your email to them… oh and don’t tell them you know me :}. I have this strange belief that what I’m willing to do won’t define me as much as what I am willing to walk away from! So I am sort of a kamikazee – do not try this at home!
I’d say consulting/contracting is definitely the way to go.. maybe you should post your resume here without your name or something and let the bright folks here give you feedback.
One other thing.. 2 of my best jobs in life I got by posting not my resume, but sort of a creative rant in the ‘resumes’ section on Craigslist. I haven’t tried this lately, but both times I did it – I got excellent response. For those employers tired of dragging their feet through all the formalities and hyped resumes – some really dig someone reaching out in a real/funny/creative/confident way.