There are sofas in the outer portion of many restrooms which can be used for nursing. And there is always one’s vehicle or a spare room if they are at a house party OR (gasp) leaving the baby with a sitter for a couple of hours with bottle(s) of pumped milk.[/quote]
Sounds horrible and primitive. Every employer I have worked for has a private (locked) nursing room where new mothers can pump in their own privacy. Doesn’t sound like a place where most “best and brightest” would want to work…unless of course the vehicle is a Bentley. I heard those can be rather comfy.[/quote]That is nice to hear that employers are offering that now. Do they allow you to take your baby to work??
This was never the case during my working years. I was unaware of any laws compelling employers to do this so am unsure why they are offering nursing rooms. If I’ve overlooked any new state/Federal employment laws regarding offering employees a place to nurse, please post a link here.