[quote=mike92104]Something really annoying to me is UCSD’s plans to simply stop admitting resident students in favor of non residents who will have to pay more tuition. Meanwhile still taking and wasting your tax dollars. I know there is waste at UCSD because I work alongside one employee who literally does NOTHING all day everyday, and I know there are several others who do very little.[/quote]
Exactly, Mike. The depressing thing about all CA state spending is that even during this “crisis”, little has been attempted to cut obvious waste at all levels. No one is challenging excessive pay, unnecessary positions, boards that meet monthly and pay $100k per year to political appointees, the fact that our teachers are the highest paid in the nation, etc. When a private sector company (or family) runs a deficit they attack expenses. Our government simply demands higher taxes from that private sector. The politicos OTOH, cut the most worthy and beneficial public services in order to scare the public.