[quote=mike92104]I’d like to point out how stupid the “if we just didn’t spend money on the war, we could afford health care” argument is. Wars are temporary and a excellent example of the kind of thing that should go on the “credit card” since they can not be budgeted. The health care reform act is a LONG term expense that many people agree will cost the country much more than congress is saying. I can see the memo now. “Dear world, please do not attack us. We have decided to spend our money on health care instead of wars. Sincerely, USA”[/quote]
I’d like to point out how stupid your analysis is. Wars are not temporary expenses. We still have about 100,000 troops in Japan and Europe. We’re still paying for a war we fought over 50 years ago. And when soldiers come home, you still have to pay their medical expenses. Wars are definitely a long term expense that will cost the country much more than congress was saying. “Dear world, please do not attack us. But even if you don’t attack us, we might decide to blow a trillion dollars on bombing you anyway. But don’t worry. This is the kind of trillion dollars that is okay to put on a credit card; not the bad kind.”