I think it is best not to pile on any additional debt for ANY reason.[/quote]
Government needs to spend on programs society deems important.
If we spend the money on health care, then we’ll be constrained in war and other adventures.
I just went to the dentist. My bill, before insurance payment was about $220 (x-rays and cleaning). I noticed that a lot of people have terrible teeth but they’ll spend money on other things.
But if they spend money on dental care first, then they’ll be healthier. They just have to give up something else (perhaps cable TV or brand name clothing).
The same principle applies to society as a whole. We should prioritize health care at the top of the list of needs and cut back on things we don’t need.[/quote]
So, we only got into the war because we had too much loose change burning a hole in out pockets?[/quote]
Afghanistan I can justify. Iraq no.
And does one parties bad spending habits justify another’s? If that is your argument then I can find an nine year old to blog “well he did it!!!…”