If you’ve got any other ideas to put more money in CA’s coffers besides imploring your congressperson to lobby their brethren ad infinitum for more funds to reimburse CA for the effects of illegal immigration (which has been done and is being done, with mixed results), I’m all ears :=][/quote]
Legalize (and tax) pot?[/quote]
The amount of $$ the state would be able to collect from SF licensed “independent growers” alone may be enough to completely cure CA’s supposed “college deficit” (at least the CC deficit), IMO. Of course, CA renter should take note that they’re ALL likely living (and running their ultraviolet lights and fans on full blast) in a “Prop 13 subsidized rental flat.”
These SF landlords are making out like bandits! And just an FYI for flu, a good portion of them are likely “Chinese,” lol . . .
btw, flu, I don’t know how old the piece you quoted was, but the current fees for a CA CC are now $46 per semester hr. I’m not sure they qualify for the “cheapest in the nation” anymore.
Good idea, Mike! I see you’ve got your thinking cap on 🙂