“Might makes right (military or otherwise), even to validate a bankrupt federal reserve promissory.”
You’re basically suggesting that the US sell ‘insurance’ to our foreign creditors to ensure they don’t get smoked in a nuclear holocaust?
“OK, China, keep buying our bonds or kiss Shanghai goodbye”
Isn’t that like the mafia and other gangs who sell ‘fire insurance’ to local business keepers?
How long do you think that would last?
Is that your idea of a sustainable future?
Ever studied the history of empires on this planet? (notice that it is history because all empires eventually collapse)
Are you aware of how dependent the US has become on imports to maintain the current standard of living?
Not only would we have to threaten the countries that support us financially, we would have to threaten all of the countries we import real goods from – essentially a ‘US against the world’ scenario – ever studied the history of empires on this planet?
Did you notice this week that China is banning the export of rare earth metals? Realize that they have 90% of the currently known deposits of these metals? Any idea of how these metals support your current lifestyle?
Are you gonna nuke China because they won’t export something you are dependent on? Invade them and take it?
Are you really just a one-trick-pony?
“I’ve got 5000 nukes so f*ck the rest of the world!”
Basically, a “my dick is bigger than your dick” approach to world diplomacy