[quote=meadandale]Yeah but that 28% tax rate doesn’t include payroll taxes, which add another 7.6% for the individual and another 7.6% for the employer. That means that our tax rate is AS HIGH as the OECD average you posted.
As someone who sympathizes with the tea party point of view but hasn’t actually gone to any rallies: it is clear that based on the trillion dollar deficits that Obama is projecting for at least the next decade that taxes WILL have to go up…and substantially, to pay for all this borrowing and deficit spending at some point. I can’t get behind this kind of reckless governing.
If that makes me a ‘teabagger’ then so be it.[/quote]
Hey, good point! Except that it DOES include payroll taxes. That’s why it says Total Tax Revenue.
Ignoring actual…you know…facts. That might just make you a teabagger. So be it.