The point, which is a valid one, is that making something illegal and hard to get doesn’t eliminate it from society, which seems to be the utopian goal here.
In fact, it will almost certainly cause an underground market to emerge and make criminals of many law abiding citizens. Hell, there already is a black market in guns for criminals. It will become quite a bit larger when that’s the only way to get a gun in the US.[/quote]
Just look at the facts of this case: Did the killer’s mom obtained the guns illegaly? NO.
Would she have obtained so many paramilitary grade weapons and high capacity magazines if they were banned? Probably NOT.
Would gun manufacturers sell these things on the internet if it was illegal? NO.
And even if criminals keep breaking the law and getting AK47s, there is no justification to allow everyone to buy AK47. It is still safer for the society to only have few % criminals keeping AK47s than the system we have now where every nutcase can get AK47 too!
One can not defend themselves with an AK47 from either the Gubbmmintt or another criminal who also also owns AK47. You can not hunt with AK47. AK47 is only good to kill innocent people in large numbers.
Why do these “innocent law abiding citizens” want to own AK47s?
P.S.: I am an “innocent law abiding citizen” too and I want to “responsibly own” a RPG launcher and a tank. Would you support my right to legally own it?