[quote=meadandale]Note that a 20 minute commute on city streets (e.g. UTC->La Jolla) is not even remotely similar to a 45 minute commute on a gridlocked freeway. On city streets you are actually moving. Sitting in stop and go traffic crawling along at 5-10 MPH for tens of miles is a lesson in frustration and stress.[/quote]
I know… I owned in North RB (right next to Lake Hodges) and I know how bad 56 was backed up at rush hours. It WAS 45′. And we were tied to rush hours because we had kids in daycare. Now they are a bit older and they won’t have to endure the whole commute together with us. It’s true I hated it and vowed to never do that again, but then, I’d have to rent forever here in SD, or buy a townhome (I got sick & tired too of a having a townhome that’s too small and a pesky Home Association). And I feel I am throwing away every month over $2000 to rent a townhome in UTC… when I could gain equity. I was hoping the houses will drop further, and it will be enough inventory in PUSD…..