[quote=meadandale]kewp you need to practice what you preach…
Didn’t you just get hired at UCSD? The UC system is a poster child for government largess and excess. Apparently you don’t follow the news about the institution you work for.[/quote]
Everyone I know in the UC system work their butts off. The starting salaries for many of the faculty are under 50k a year. And these are all Phd’s of course. None of them are here to make bank or slack off. They want to teach.
And trust me, nobody hates public sector dead wood more than the staff that have to cover for them. Hence my enthusiasm for budget cuts; as it might give some departments the leverage with HR to get rid of the poor performers.
For myself personally, I know that replacing me with a private sector consultant would cost the Uni at least 3-5 times my salary on an annual basis. And that is a conservative estimate.
So apparently either I am grossly underpaid or the public sector is much more efficient than the private sector in my case. Take your pick.