I’m for freedom of choice with a guiding government hand to assure welfare and safety.[/quote]
“You can’t eat candy” is not freedom of choice. You seem to make that mistake a lot.[/quote]
Of course you know that conservative Supreme Court has basically said that students do NOT have freedoms that are supposedly promised in the Constitution. From random drug testing for any extra-curricular sport, denying fourth amendment rights to cutting facial hair, schools are almost a prison state with their own rules. The Court needs to expand those rules for caning gang members, disruptive students, etc.
I’m sure you all know that school districts in Texas may enforce rules on facial hair as long as they don’t interfere with students’ religious beliefs. That means you can’t have long hair or grow a moustache. Even bogus religious reasons are routinely denied.
You don’t need to move to Singapore or send kids to Jewish schools with Mossad trained substitute teachers to find discipline in schools, just move to Texas public school district.
That’s how they kept hippies from ruining Texas!! I’m sure there is research that shows direct correlation between grooming standards and high tests in Texas and low crime rates.