Maybe these threads make you uncomfortable PD, but political discussion is vital now, especially at election time. Hearing your thoughts from the right are just as important as voicing ours from the left.
It is intersting that in our little Piggington community our discussions show that so many of us agree about the state of the economy, the housing market, the importance of exercise, eating healty, feeding our kids healthy foods and limiting TV, but we disagree so vehemently regarding politics.
My views are not a result of the “liberal media” only reporting negatives from Iraq. I felt it was a mistake before we ever went. I was shocked when we did. They knew AHEAD of time that there were most likely no weapons of mass destruction. Plenty of people, including the former weapons inspector Scott Ritter, were screaming at the top of their lungs trying to get anyone to listen. To no avail… off we went to stoke the fires of extremism and hatred for the US. Look where that got us. The ranks of young Muslim men and women that are motivated to act against us now has exploded. That is the real bomb we’ll have to deal with… and it is a direct result of our actions in IRAQ.
Claiming that the media swayed my thoughts is the same as the NAR claiming that the “media” is causing this real estate downturn (and we’ve all read that claim repeatedly). Kill the messenger, I suppose.
I am happy we have the freedom to even have these discussions… This ‘Right’ I would fight to protect. Access to cheap oil????? Not worth it, not worth the loss of life, not worth the backlash of anger from people who live in that region, not worth the high $$ cost, not worth the terrible divide it has caused in our country … and on and on.