Maybe my comment was taken out of context. Rereading it I agree it seems that I am complaining some. I am not. Housing prices are easily at the best prices it has been in years and years.
Add in in historically low interst rates and now is a the first time in more than half a decade that buying a house isnt a terrible idea.
I personally was refering to the huge bailout our government is undertaking in our names. I and your children will be the ones paying for these bailouts, and it will hurt. All to avoid a huge recession which was avoidable had good governance been instituted years ago.
“our” was more those who are responsible not needing to be bought off. “Our” was more related to sound financial planning being rewarded rather than communal bribes being accepted. I ment that we need to take our pain and accept that the financial “planning” we are going is jeperdizing this countries future and that it isnt worth being able to buy a house at reasonable prices with unheard of rates.
But then you can finally buy a house that isnt a financial bomb. That makes up for everything.