Look – I agree with you – those are very altruistic goals… But unfortunately you aren’t dealing with people who have had those values, goals, or level of self control. You are dealing with people who have lived their lives on the edge, from the guy making 25K to the guy making 250K.
The American consumer has been turned into a spending machine which has created this playboy mentality. It’s what made our economy what it is. Look at conservative countries… Their unemployment is high, taxes are larger, and have bad economies. They don’t spend. So when the spending machines get conned, don’t expect them to stop watching American Idol and get a library card.
You play the hand you are dealt.
I read about Serpico (the cop from NY)… He grew up in a family which if you couldn’t pay cash for it, you don’t buy it. I think that’s admirable. But it also wouldn’t have created the economy which paid his salary.
I would love it if the US Consumer was educated and we started saving. Of course in the current economy that would effectively destroy our economy. (The consumer spends 70% of the money in this society, if they even spent 10% less it would drive us into a depression).
Anyway – smart people will make smart decisions, the vast number of smart but non-thinking people and not smart, not educated people will do what the marketers tell them to…. Sorry… Thats reality.