You are missing the point. You arent giving up anything. The listing contract is between the seller and the listing agent. The commission is a pre-agreed amount payable to the listing agent by the seller out of the proceeds. Legally it has nothing to do with your contract with the seller. The buyers agent gets paid by the listing agent through a contract/agreement via the local Board of Realtors/MLS. You have no legal right to any of that commission and the agent has no responsibility to share a penny with you. Sometimes they will do so to put a deal together and sometimes they wont. They can also tell you one thing and do another as you have no legal right to it. Will they try to pull that on you? Maybe…maybe not.
Thats just one of hundreds of risks that are out there. Every transaction is unique and rarely does one turn out exactly like another. Thats what I love about this business. Every day I get to use my knowledge and experience to deal with ever changing unique transactions. Its a wild ride out here. Jump in if you’d like to.
I say go for it Matt. Just be sure to stop back and let us know how it works out.