[quote=matt-waiting]You really showed that soccer mom whose boss. I had a similar experience with this kid who kept eating ice cream that dripped all over my lawn. I walked right over and shoved the ice cream in his face.
I can’t believe how rude neighbors can be when you video tape them.[/quote]
Surely you understand the difference between a kid eating ice cream and a neighbor who lets their dog crap on your lawn without cleaning it up, right?
Nobody should have to clean up after someone else’s dog, and our kids should not have to step in some imbecile owner’s dog poop just because they are too friggin lazy to clean up after their animals.
It is also against the law 1.) to let your dog poop on someone else’s property and 2.) to not pick it up:
“Nuisance – Dogs are not allowed to defecate or urinate on the property of another. It is the owner’s job to curb the dog and immediately remove any feces to a proper receptacle. San Diego County Code 62.670”
We’ve had the same problem in the past when our kids were very young. Had the same idea as others about saving up all the kid poop (especially the really drippy ones) and depositing on their property, or at least saving up all the dog poop (hopefully, after the maggots were nice and juicy), and then redepositing on neighbor’s property.
Sorry, Matt, you are 100% wrong on this. Leaving dog crap on other people’s property shows a total lack of class and consideration.