You’re in denial. We were warning everyone long before this happened what the risks were, who would be most at risk of losing it all, and what it would look like on its way down. People like you didn’t listen and you didn’t care. You guys backed the wrong horse. The worst thing about it is that you dragged the rest of us with you and forced us all to watch your suffering.
Now its time for you to get over it. Do something constructive like following this blog and looking for ways to recover your situation. Stop blaming other people for your misery and start taking responsibility for your foolishness.
Of course, most of the other trolls who have come here before you were smarter than you – they knew to “cover” themselves by bragging outright that they’re completely insulated from this mess by virtue of all the smart moves they made before this blew up. How they’re concerned for other people. Short of calling them liars (which they inevitably are) there’s no way to prove/disprove what an anonymous poster says. So if you do try to cover yourself, just know that you’re wasting your time and we will automatically assume you’re a loser no matter what else you say.