You make no sense. Romney does not energize the core of the republican party and he can’t win without them. I don’t know how many ways I need to say it.[/quote]
You don’t need to say it again. It may be true that Romney is not terribly exciting. But Paul has no chance of winning the nomination, and no chance of winning the general. Romney will win the nomination, and will get something close to 50% of the votes in the general. He may even win. He’ll do that in the general because the vast majority of republican voters will vote for him. Paul won’t do that, because he will never get there. Because he is unelectable. Not becaause the MSM doesn’t like him. They don’t like Gingrich. Nobody does. Yet he screamed to the top of the republican polls for a few minutes. As did Santorum and Bachmann and Perry and Cain.
Whose name never made that list? Ron Paul. You are among his very vocal, very dedicated, and very motivated supporters. But you are not now, nor have you ever been supporting a candidate who appeals to more than a very narrow band of the electorate. Except among your group, he just isn’t popular.