You can not inflate your way out of a bubble. It leads to a larger bubble in another sector and then the currency defaults every time.
The federal reserve lowered interest rates after the tech bubble and created a larger bubble in the housing market by artificially fixing the market. If they had instead let the market fail completely, they would have never had the housing bubble. The FED distorts markets and screws all of us.[/quote]
Actually you can inflate your way out of bubble. Mexico has done it at least twice in the last 40 years. As has Israel. And guess what? Neither are on the gold standard. And neither one failed! So there goes your theory that it defaults every time.
Citation please on the Fed causing the housing bubble? Oops. Nevermind. I know. You can’t cite any because there isn’t any!
There’s plenty of good reasons to criticize the Fed. Why don’t you use those instead of making up shit?