[quote=markmax33][quote=UCGal]Where was Acorn in all of this? Where were the unions?
And why didn’t they have to show ID when they didn’t get to vote?
I thought those were the main sources of voter fraud?[/quote]
I guess there needs to be a distinction. There is voter fraud and there is election fraud. When the state GOP Chair (A known Romney supporter) elects not to count votes from 17 districts that are known to be Paul territory and an entire county that was the only county Paul won in 2008, it is clear the Romney supporter is cheating in an extreme manner.[/quote]
So which is this? Voter fraud (like the title of this thread) or election fraud?
I assume you wanted to see Katherine Harris recuse herself as SOS of Florida during Bush v Gore, too. (She was state co-chair of the Bush campaign). And I assume you wanted to see Ken Blackwell recuse himself in the 2004 election when he was SOS of Ohio and had pledged in a letter prior to the election to “deliver Ohio for Bush”?
These folks are elected officials. Obviously – they
are politicians… and endorse/align with other politicians. You seem surprised by it all.