STFU. Interest rates over the last 30 years were probably 8% average and Clinton had a “balanced” budget because the stock market took off in 1999 and tax revenues went up exponentially. It crashed 1-2 years later. Clinton DID NOTHING TO BALANCE THE BUDGET. He was the benefit of luck by the fed policies at the time.[/quote]
But you were still wrong. Let me repeat what you said.
“there hasn’t been a President with a balanced budget”
There was. Three years in a row. You can make excuses. Explain it away. But your assertion is still wrong. It DID happen.
But..on the other hand….if Clinton was the “benefit [sic] of luck by the fed policy [sic] (again)”, and the fed has been keeping interest rates low for 30 years….how come it never happened before? If the fed could make that kind of magic, why didn’t they? hmmmmm.
And i know this isn’t really relevant. But when you just throw big words around that you don’t understand, it bugs me. Tax revenue went up. It did not go up exponentially. That’s a big word. You shouldn’t be using it. And the stock market didn’t take off in 1999. It took off in 1995. And didn’t crash 1-2 years later. It crashed 4 months after he left office, which would have been after about 6 1/2 years. Which is when the Fed lowered interest rates. But the budget was still balanced that fiscal year! Because of Fed magic! Oh, and the average federal funds rate over the last 30 years has been 5.14%.
4 mistakes in facts.
1 misuse of a big word.
1 gramatically butchered sentence.