SK in CV,
I’m sorry you haven’t read history. I guess you are correct, out of the 1000 fiat currencies in history there are the current 10 or so that haven’t defaulted yet. [/quote]
I have read history, thank you for acknowledging that your assertion is false. (I quite sure there are more than 10 fiat currencies operating in the world today. Exaggeration works well in comedy, in serious discussion, not so much.)
You really have to study inflation and seem to have no concept of the pain of inflation. It is a slow drain on the economy and shifts power from the middle class. [/quote]
I have studied inflation. Worked much of my career as an economist. In re-reading everything you’ve written here, I’m quite sure you haven’t made any assertions about inflation until this one. I would successfully argue that it shifts power from the lower economic class even more than from the middle class.
A great example is my grandparents and parents both could survive on a 1-income family with a single paying job and send all the children to school with no problems. There are almost no 1-income families that can do what my parents and grandparents did. I’m not arguing women shouldn’t work, I’m arguing they are forced to work now because of inflation. [/quote]
No disagreement with your conclusion, although anectodal evidence is of little value.
Why do you disregard your founding fathers who expressly prohibited a central bank because they knew what inflation would do to the society? Why don’t you answer my questions? [/quote]
I haven’t disregarded them, though I hardly consider them mine. And there you go with begging the question again.
I haven’t answered the question because you never asked this one before now. My answer is as above, I haven’t disregarded them.
Do you enjoy the 10% + inflation we have right now? Don’t tell me the GOV number is only 3% because that number excludes WAAAAY too many things. [/quote]
Again with the begging the question. I don’t enjoy inflation. Though it might be more preferable than attempting to exchange ideas with an idealogue. There are numerous ways to measure inflation. Do you have a comprehensive method that has measured it at 10% or more?
To me when 990 out of 1000 failures have occurred and we see the Euro starting to go into default, it is time to address the problem. My 100% valid argument is that if the currency defaults there will be no money for environmental programs and people will be worried about trying to eat and not care about the bald eagles. [/quote]
Really, you’re worried about the bald eagle?
He is therefore in favor of killing the bald eagles if he doesn’t vote for Ron Paul because he is the only one that will tackle the federal reserve and inflation. [/quote]
Who is he? Not there, the other place.
I think I have proven my point quite well. He has proven no point that the bald eagles would be extinct without an EPA. That is an assumption at best and 99% a lie based on CAL/EPA and other local environmental groups that make the national EPA redundant.[/quote]