[quote=markmax33][quote=pri_dk][quote=markmax33]EVERY SINGLE FIAT CURRENCY HAS FAILED IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD[/quote]
Ron Paul even wants to kill the Bald Eagles on dollar bills.
The man is ruthless.[/quote]
Why don’t you try to give a counter arguement that makes sense instead of calling the most intersting man in the world – Ron Paul – names? Here are some recent currency failures including the 2nd largest economy in 1998 – Russia:
In 1932, Argentina had the eighth largest economy in the world before its currency collapsed. In 1992, Finland, Italy, and Norway had currency shocks that spread through Europe.
In 1994, Mexico went through the infamous “Tequila Hangover,” which sent the peso tumbling and spread economic hardships throughout Latin America.
In 1997, the Thai baht fell through the floor and the effects spread to Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and South Korea.
The Russian ruble was not the currency you wanted your investments denominated in in 1998, after its devaluation brought on economic recession. In the early 21st century, we have seen the Turkish lira experience strokes of hyperinflation similar to that of the mark of Weimar Germany.
In present times, we have Zimbabwe, which was once considered the breadbasket of Africa and was one of the wealthiest countries on the continent. Now Mugabe’s attempts at price controls, combined with hyperinflation, have the nation unable to supply the most basic essentials such as bread and clean water.
WE ARE 14.8 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT and bring in 2.5 Trillion dollars per year in taxes and spend 3.8 trillion per year. THIS IS A PONZI SCHEME FOLKS. Prove me wrong. Pri_dk – you are for destruction of our dollar and our government and you don’t realize it but you hate bald eagles more than anyone.
Ron Paul 2012![/quote]
His argument made perfect sense, your defense of your argument did not. Your claim that every single fiat currency in the history of the world is both patently and demonstrably false. (It has not failed in the US, ergo, all have not failed.)
The federal reserve printed and handed out 15 Trillion dollars in loans last year which is about 7 times the amount of money the US government collects in taxes in one year. To me this means the federal reserve has atleast 7 times the power of the US federal government and nobody even realizes it. [/quote]
is a logical fallacy. Unless you can prove a logical and directly proportional nexus as to the relationship between Fed loans and annual Federal government tax collections as it relates to “power” your claim is worthless. To me this means that anyone making such a rediculous argument is as loony as Ron Paul.