[quote=markmax33]Obviously you can’t see it, you haven’t seen an economy with less GOV intervention. Your company is anecdotal and I’m glad to see it’s doing well. You absoloutely did say lower in the thread that business owners are the 1% and that with less GOV regulation they wouldn’t give money back to the people. I offer you that if you lower regulation you will remove barriers of entry and start up costs for small businesses and it will make the market more competitive for good talent. Unemployment is one example but you must look at the big picture and the whole philosophy. Until you can really expand it out you won’t understand it.[/quote]
Eh. I’ve been in business and advising business for more 30 years. You have no way of knowing what I’ve seen or not seen.
I never said that business owners are part of the 1% (that was another poster), sometimes it’s true, sometimes it’s not. Nor did I address regulations related to passing on savings. You may be confusing me with you, you’re the one obsessed with government regulation. I just deal with it.
I would certainly agree with you that if regulations are minimized, that barriers to starting small businesses will also be minimized. But having dealt with payrolls for literally hundreds of small businesses, I can tell you with absolute certainty, nobody didn’t go into business because of the cost of unemployment insurance. FICA or workers comp insurance? Maybe. But unemployment? No chance. It’s like someone not buying a $25,000 car because of the cost of oil. Not gas. Oil. Not oil changes at $30 apiece. The cost of the oil that goes into those oil changes. That’s about how insignificant unemployment insurance is.
And I do understand it. It’s my job. It’s what I’ve been paid to do for the last 35 years.