NO! Ron Paul’s belief is that it is not the jurisdiction of the Federal Government for which he is running for President. States have their own constitutions. The point of the federal GOV’s constitution was to limit the power of the Federal GOV. The federal GOV is SO FAR past what was written in the constitution, such as the patriot act, etc it is a big enough problem for him to deal with on that level solely. The founding fathers saw the failed English empire, roman empire, etc and that’s why they wrote it that way! Why do you disregard the set of lessons learned so easily and question them?[/quote]
Sorry there, it was a trick question.
I think you exaggerate a bit when you say the point of the constitution is to limit the power of the federal government. It was to codify them. And then the bill of rights, particularly the 9th and 10th amendments elaborated on those powers not codified.
I’m quite sure that Ron Paul does not believe that the 4th amendment doesn’t apply to the states. He believes that it doesn’t apply to women’s uteruses, and therefore the states are free (and in his view, encouraged) to legally violate the 4th amendment. Libertarian principles only apply to the office he’s running for.