Marion – yes you’re clearly a child. Your comment that Nostra is bitter, how he claims to be successful yet he hasn’t been able to find a girlfriend – that’s about as ridiculous as me saying that obviously you’re a loser and failure in life because you’re divorced and have failed at relationships. Not everyone defines their success in life on whether they have a significant other.
As a woman, I find your type of woman to be the most distasteful – someone who claims to be a strong independent woman but wants spousal support, men to buy your dinner, park your car, carry your bag, can’t forget the Cristal and the most important part – has a sense of entitlement and bitches when she doesn’t get the above. A successful woman doesn’t “need” a man to do these things for her. Its a bonus when a man does possess chivalry, but you can’t want a man to do more than his fair share and argue that you want equal pay in the workplace. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a mate who’s a gentleman, but you have to ask yourself, what do you contribute to the equation? You want a man to find you attractive, but not if he tells you he likes your ass- can you see how confusing this can be for men? Life isn’t fair and merit doesn’t get handed to you – you have to earn it, so stop crying!
We live in a time where the dynamic between woman and men are complex. We often compete for the same things, yet struggle to discern how close or far we want to vascillate from traditional womanly and manly duties/norms from past generations and most importantly how to divvy those tasks that used to fall into obvious buckets. Breadwinner= man, nurturer of the family / domestic maiden= woman. Just because no ones written the playbook on the modern day couple, you as a self proclaimed successful woman don’t have to be that stereotypical I want my cake and eat it too, but if I can’t, I’m going to whine about it. Enough with the self entitlement. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. Go put on your big girl pants and come back when you’re ready to write something insightful and intelligent without calling others names when you don’t like what others are have to say. Its SO FIFTH GRADE!