[quote=marion]Nostradamus, I see you’ve made your way over to this thread. Pathetic, sad, lonely. When you posted your above racist pics, I’ll bet they were done with one hand, because I’m sure the other hand was busy with your other regular, nightly activity that takes the place of a real, live girlfriend.
Small (in more ways than one), nerdy, a LOSER in everyway. You went out and bought that BIG, black, motorcycle. Do you ever have an inkling of what drove you to buy it? No matter, just concentrate on the fact that it makes you feel so much better about yourself. That’s all that matters, right?
And please, do me a favor. When your hand wears out, please don’t turn to your poor, innocent dog. I’m starting to get a sick feeling in my stomach…Is there a reason you chose a “female” dog? Other than the fact that she resembles your mother?
Whoa, I posted a picture of a boxing champ and a skinny dork… you somehow see racism in that?
Wow, your attempted insults range from attacks on my mom to sexual masturbation innuendo and even attacks on my dog, all while trying to appear in a clever adult fashion. Almost 4th grade level, but I’d say you’re still stuck in 3rd. For insults to have any affect, they have to have some truth in them. You know nothing about me, so you’re shooting blind and hoping I’ll feel insulted. You’re gonna have to try harder. Let me give you some examples:
marion is so stupid, she thought contraceptive jelly was something you put on toast. So she got pregnant!
marion thought the contraceptive sponge was something used to clean up afterwards… so she got pregnant again!
why does marion often post a picture of one leg? because her legs are always spread so wide, she can’t get them both in the picture!
why does marion send her picture to people online? because nobody can put up with her in person!
marion is so skinny, freakish, and white, even Michael Jackson is like daaaayyum!!
why does marion call herself “the black hornet”? (it’s true, I’m not making this up). because whore + internet = hornet!!!
barrrrap bom… thank you thank you. I’m here every week.
now you go work on those insults and come back, OK? it’s all good fun.