[quote=marion]Hi, Rich. Is there a way for the opening post to be deleted? If not, I’d like the whole thread to be deleted if possible.
I let my mouth get away from me with too many comments about my case. Don’t know what I was thinking. Thanks.[/quote]
Don’t worry, Marion. No one’s ever going to accuse you of “thinking.”
Anyhow, please don’t do it, Rich. Marion is a delusional, narcissistic, vindictive, attention-seeking nutjob. I firmly believe that one day a profile of Marion will be included alongside the description of a new, as-yet-unclassified psychological disorder in medical books. The researchers may want to reference this thread in their scholarly pursuits. The medical community begs you: Preserve our source materials! Think of how many shattered lives can be saved! Think of the children, Rich.