Marion wrote: “Dave, I understand you have to pay prostitutes, as mentioned previously, no decent woman would have you. I, on the other hand, don’t have to resort to such tactics.”
Apparently you do, Marion. How’s the search for that vaginamoney lawyer coming along?
As a point of fact, I’ve never actually directly paid for sex before (not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course – I’m not ruling it out for the future), but I’ve paid for a lot of meals, gifts, vacations, etc. for women over the years (that could be interpreted as “indirect” payment for sex). Of course, if these women are considered “prostitutes” by you… and I recall from an earlier post of yours that you were complaining about a guy not treating you to a “nice dinner” (I believe it was)… wait a minute, Marion… this whole prostitute thing is starting to take an interesting turn…