marion: So let me see if I have this straight. First off, you are opposed to letting people have too much power, but are completely comfortable dictating what should or should not happen, depending on your particular views on the subject.
Second, you are advocating an IQ test for gun ownership? How about an IQ test for the right to vote? Or an IQ test to have a child (you seem pretty concerned about children’s rights)?
You have indeed made your views on guns strongly felt. Those views, combined with more than a whiff of authoritarianism, make it abundantly clear that you are less concerned with representative democracy, and more concerned with “what is right”.
There is only one slight problem: What you consider right, and what many others consider right, may not square with each other. What then? While the “tyranny of the majority” might frustrate you, it does exist for a reason, as do those pesky checks and balances the founding fathers saw fit to put in place.
And while you might not like guns, they and the power they represent, have done exactly what Jefferson, Adams and Paine forecasted: Prevented despotism. As Chairman Mao opined: “Power springs from the barrel of a gun”.