Marion, it might be better for those of us shopping the market to tell everyone that we hate it here. Ren, if you don’t have to commute, it’s a cool place to live. A lot of people moved here for the reasons you stated, it does have relatively low crime, good schools and decent prices for housing. But I’ve never met anyone commuting more than an hour each way in their own car that is happy, and they chose that lifestyle when gas was $2 a gallon, soon we will never see gas under $4, and cheaper housing closer to their work, so they will be leaving soon. I bought one tank of gas in the last 60 days so I could care less, but to people filling up every two days, as they say at the amusement park “yor ride is slowly coming to a stop.” Don’t buy a rental out here, the population will probably decrease over the next few years and there are already plenty of empty houses in the pipeline. Jobwise, for your wife, if she doesn’t have an easily employable skill, well paying jobs in this valley are becoming more scarce with the thousands of starving R/E related people looking for work. Now if none of that matters because of whatever you do for work, it’s a nice place with some nice prices, but six months from now they will be even nicer, so wait a while or at least until I buy my place, I’ve got dibbs anyway.