marion: If you read my response on the prostitution question, I said that it, too, was a matter of personal choice. I have some moral issues with prostitution, and I don’t believe it is a “victimless” crime.
As a father of two, no, I would never support using drugs around children. You are correct when you say that represents morally reprehensible behavior. However, and taking the children out of the equation, what about someone using marijuana (post-legalization, of course) in their own home? Regardless of your feelings about marijuana, isn’t it that person’s choice to make?
I think drinking and driving is morally reprehensible, but if you want to get trashed in your own house and pass out, well, that’s your choice to make.
The danger of any one person or group of people anointing themselves the arbiters of what is right and what is wrong is that people are inherently flawed and completely fallible. The founding fathers of this country had witnessed firsthand the problems with “divine right” and the English royal family, and so created a system of checks and balances to prevent that from happening here.
What I choose to do is my business, and should remain that way. Whether it is buying a gun, buying Jack Daniels or buying a Ferrari capable of doing 165mph. I then assume responsibility for my choice in what I do with any of those purchases. I will not, however, abdicate my rights or allow some police force or governmental agency to dictate what is right and what is wrong. If you use this same logic as regards your personal choices on the matters of contraception, I think you’ll see we’re coming from the same place.