marion: I don’t go in much for labels as far as Democrat versus Republican. In truth, they have become pretty much indistinguishable from one another. I am conservative in my principles, but I don’t think liberal is a bad word. To the contrary, I think we have demonized a word that best sums up what is great about this country.
I do have a problem with the extreme left-wing element in this country, and I believe that is what Hillary and Obama unfortunately have to pander to in order to get votes. Conversely, Giuliani, McCain and Romney have to pander to the extreme right-wing element (exemplified by the evangelicals) in order to gain support.
I don’t know Bill Clinton personally, but quite a few of my friends served under him, during his presidency. To a man, they characterized that period as a dark one for the military. Bear in mind, we are speaking of a very small element, largely Rangers and SOF types, so I won’t presume to say the entire military felt that way. As I said, while I strongly disagreed with many of Reagan’s policies, I understood the bigger picture. I fear that a foreign policy dilettante like Obama doesn’t, and that Hillary’s sense of moral ambiguity will prevent any sense of coherent direction.
You may not wish to see another Republican in office right now, but I don’t see anyone in either party that strikes me as a clear choice when it comes to integrity, vision and, most importantly, an intelligent grasp of how truly screwed up this country is right now. Do you?