Sundance is an elementary school. The middle school is close to there, that is Mesa Verde MS on Entreken. Westview High is on the west side of Camino Del Sur, north of the Albertsons. You probably have an old map that doesn’t have the high school on it. Do you have a kid going to high school soon? I will have a freshman there next year. This high school is unique. It is on a semester system, similar to a college. My son will take what they call 4 blocks or units in the fall, and three in spring (he wants to play a spring sport). All the classes are longer than 1 hour, so you complete say spanish 3 and 4 in one semester. Then the next sememster you would have 5 and 6…same with Math, algebra 1-2, 3-4 etc. Any other questions you have I would be glad to answer. We have lived in two different locations in PQ and I had a sister who lived in another area for a long time…