[quote=ltsdd][quote=ocrenter][quote=joec]Some one else here has paid it off I think, and may comment, but they may have been in a different CFD area. I think they paid closer to 60k or so.
I think Del Sur has the highest CFD rates compared to any of the other 4S areas so it should be higher, but I don’t know if your house is in both CFD districts?
One of those payment sounds more correct to me.[/quote]
Just checked a few random Del Sur homes, they are in two CFD districts. The high CFD rates was a major turn off for us back in the days as well. But then again, that high school looks like it could put most of the community colleges in this country to shame. That cost had to come from somewhere…[/quote]
Del Sur does not have a high school built. The kids will either go to westview or Del Norte. The thing I don’t understand about Del Sur is with such a high mello-roos, it built exactly 1 school – Del Sur Elementary. Their website lists Oak Valley & Del Norte in 4S Ranch as their middle & high schools.
As for that K-8, Design 39 school, you must also be paying the secondary CFD No. 15 in order to be able to send your kids there.[/quote]
Did not imply there’s a separate high school for Del Sur. Comment was meant for Del Norte, which I’m sure some of the money from Del Sur CFD went to. PUSD pretty much spent the CFD dollars however they wanted throughout the district.