Last time I checked roads were built with DMV fees and gasoline taxes. If I am wrong then I’m wrong. But that is the way it should be…not an argument to justify more control by a very incompetent government.
Let people decide for themselves to be healthy or unhealthy.
Whoever said your indoctrinated is right. You refuse to say whether or not you think those in Congress are competent.
And if you do acknowledge that they are incompetent then you are outright insane since you want them to handle your health care.[/quote]
I believe the interstate highway system was built by the U.S. government. The idea is that interstate highways benefit the country as a whole and make it stronger. But if you left it up to each state or county to build their portion of the highway, no one would want to pay for it.
I don’t think anyone is arguing that congress will run a public option with supreme competence. But remember that the goal of the public option is to pay for your medical expenses when you are sick. The goal of a private insurance company is to not pay for your expenses. So the public option might be incompetent at trying to pay you. But private companies are very competent at not paying you. Who would you trust more?[/quote]
I still think it would be better to fire Congress and then start with subtle changes to the current system like allowing interstate competition and getting rid of the anti-trust exemption.
I agree with socializing health care when it comes to catastrophic illness.