Love the pool noodle, no matter how ridiculous it looks. I have to admit, San Diegans are much better to bikers than other places I’ve lived. When I was at Walter Reed at least once a week someone would yell out their window “get on the sidewalk you F-ing A-hole!” They don’t realize that the data clearly shows that you’re almost twice as likely to be hit by a car when you’re riding on the sidewalk, and 4 times as likely when doing it against traffic. You are much safer on the road, since they at least see you to yell at you. In North Carolina I wouldn’t ride off-base. Did it a couple of times, WAY too many close calls with hyper-velocity pickup trucks. Fortunately at Lejeune I lived on-base.
The trike does have an auto horn, and it is LOUD. Scared the crap out of a runner (happens to be the ICU physician here) I was coming up behind. I installed a bell for pedestrians, and it is a lot better. Funny how people react to the trike, it gets a LOT of attention. I feel like I’m going to cause an accident from all the rubber-necking that drivers do.