Lots of Californians have discovered the tax benefits of spending over 50% of the year in NV in order to escape our confiscatory taxes. Just be sure you can document it via receipts, voting in NV, changing all your insurance, car license and driver’s license, renting or buying housing in NV, getting all your mail there, etc. CA tax authorities are justifiably worried more wealthy people will flee, and have been known to travel to Las Vegas to dig up evidence that their escapees are not spending over 1/2 of their time out of CA. CA is considering a surtax on our higher income people to cover our deficit, so I imagine that will be the last straw for many high earners who are now considering a move. It is entirely possible that a surtax would result in less tax revenue for the state.
The atmosphere, people and weather of Las Vegas get old pretty fast and are genuine negatives, so perhaps Reno and Incline Village have more of a real world feel to them.