LostKitty – It’s too bad you moved – you sound really cool – Upstate NY’s gain is our loss. I used to live in Upstate NY and trust me, they don’t appreciate you!
I also don’t care if Hillary prays or not. Personally a politicians stature in my eyes goes down each time they announce how important their faith is to them a)Because I don’t care b)because power is their faith (as PD stated) c)because they are probably lying to get elected.
That being said I keep vacillating about the lying – I think if a candidate was truthful they wouldn’t get elected and I’m hoping that they are playing the game so they can get elected and take down the bad guys. On the other hand Hillary and gang have somewhat become luke-warm republicans.
In Europe if a candidate ever proclaimed his/her faith to the media they wouldn’t be elected dog catcher. Europe has decided that faith is a personal matter and not part of politics and that any politician who panders to get elected is just that… a panderer.
Imagine if the media didn’t publish and promote articles on haircuts, candidate’s dogs, infidelity, church affiliations, cookie making, and all the other critical issues about our leaders and potential leaders – and gave all the attention by priority to actual issues and political positions?
The very fact that a moron like GW could get elected a second time (even by fraud) makes me weep for this country. I mean he is literally an idiot. People get the form of government they deserve. And unfortunately we are getting what we deserve right now.
Don’t hate Hillary for praying – as lost kitty says who cares? Don’t vote republican even if your vote makes the baby Jesus cry. Don’t be a hater. But fight the people who use hatred and fear to manipulate you (GW and his evil minions (Chaney, Rove, Rice, et. al)