Lose the tenants.
Then make the property squeaky clean, paint inside and out, doing plenty of prep work first, fix everything that needs fixing. Hire pros to do this–amateur landlords can seldom do it right, and the pros are all desparate and cheap right now.
This kind of investment in a rented house of maybe 5% of its market value should yield a 10 to 15% boost in market value, and it should sell in a month, further saving time, money, and aggravation. The math is pretty obvious and the owner should go for it if they are economically rational. Unfortunately, they are not, or they would not have rented to messy tenants with big aggressive dogs.
I did this last February with my last remaining San Diego property. Priced it reasonably, started a nice bidding war, and sold it for $30k over listing price to a great owner-occupier.