Look at current debt and future responsibilities you would like to cover such as raising kids or making sure loved ones could transition comfortably. 20yr plans typically offer the best bang for your buck unless you feel pretty comfortable that you are only protecting a 10 or 15yr need. 25 & 30yr plans get a little expensive IMO.
What carrier did you get approved with? Check their conversion options as many carriers allow evidence free conversions to permanent product in the first 20yrs up to age 70 or 75, but with so many products out there some may not have any conversion option or just allow for the first 10 years. A good conversion option helps if you have major health issue or become un-insurable during the initial term and want to continue coverage after that term at reasonable rates.
If you are younger and got approved at a good health class where rates are cheap then I would consider going for a higher death benefit amount when estimating your need, especially if the contract allows for future face reduction which most should. Pricing by the carriers is usually banded at $250k, $500k, & $1,000,000 so you can get better price per $1k when you hit those. Hope that helps.