LOL! Just stop! We have here two “attorneys” here at their worst, folks … arguing for the sake of arguing … and I understand PC’s point, btw.
SK has also accused me on this forum of being a “racist” simply by virtue of my admission here that I voted for Trump in the primary. While spewing these indignities, he should be aware that I reside in one of the most diverse communities in SD County. My youngest kid, who graduated from “local” public HS two years ago, is now at a public university in East LA (the most “diverse” campus in the entire 23-campus system, btw) and I could have moved on at that point (relocated). However, I have plenty of “home equity” and am still here. Ask yourselves why, people. Could it be that I have lived in this area of SD County since August of ’86, moving here from SD metro (city proper)? For the record, that was nearly 30 years ago, folks. The truth is, I’m “comfortable” here, know well the “lay of the land” and am admittedly somewhat “territorial.”
And Mr. PC (pablo) has accused me in the past here of not hearing in SD domestic courtrooms what I have personally witnessed and heard with my own ears coming out of (female) judge’s mouths.
It’s all okay and I hold nothing against either of you. But bear in mind that I have as long of a memory (or longer) than both of you, combined :=0 And you can’t take that away from me. SK, you need to chill and not automatically assume that anyone who wants to vote for Trump is a “racist.” It’s not what you think … not by a long shot.
If I was a “racist,” I would have defected to an area of the state or region of the country where more of my own “peeps” reside the day after my youngest kid graduated from HS (and I am of mixed heritage, btw). Um, but … alas, I haven’t. What does that tell you? And no, I do not have a drop of Hispanic blood in my body. But here I am! I’m down here in SD South County groveling with “Hispanics” (full, half, 1/4, who cares?) and others (Filipinos) who are beyond disgusted with the routine of the local “illegal immigrant” or simply “daily-border-crossers” successfully availing themselves of US benefits played out over the last 2+ decades and wouldn’t mind seeing a nice, tall (preferably brick or block) wall built at the border … all the way to the ground, where northbound humans can’t slip under it like they are at present.
I know this might be a stretch for some folks (SK?) to believe around here, but not everyone who votes for Trump is a “racist.” Nor is Trump a racist. Far from it. He’s trying to have conversations with the American public and the press re: the detrimental effect that illegal immigration has on the states and the country but some people don’t want to listen. This group can selectively not listen to him or put in earplugs, for all I care. He’s trying to have conversations re: the role some of the immigrants allowed into this country played who adhere to the Muslim religion who are terrorists-in-the-making or would-be-terrorists (if a little something happens in the US that goes against their “grain”). He is absolutely in the right to question why we are allowing into the country all these people who can offer us nothing except their presence, especially since all other countries in the world do not allow into their countries even one-tenth of the immigrants the US allows in. And for what? What do all these groups DO for us Americans? Would the Piggs expect to be welcomed with open arms into another country with a path to “citizenship” whilst collecting cash, food and medical aid from that country (or charities from that country)? Ummm, I think not!
The US is not a “dumping ground” for all the (disenfranchised) people from other countries who want to permanently live here. ESPecially if they don’t have the means to do so and/or (secretly) want to emigrate to the US solely to spread their (incompatible, non-western) religious beliefs and customs to Americans and also onto their own offspring, later born in the US (ex: delusional father of recent Orlando shooter). Our country can’t even properly take care of its own. Thus, we have no business trying to save other countries from themselves, IMO. Trump has the b@lls to discuss what no other presidential candidate has addressed before while campaigning. It NEEDS to be addressed and I, for one, am glad he has brought up these issues. Illegal immigration has (fiscally) broken the State of CA in many prior Junes (end of the state’s fiscal year) and will continue to do so. The cost of having this group in our country is enormous and growing and impacts the ability of the states and the country to repair/replace its badly worn infrastructure, among its addressing its many other pressing domestic issues …. ALL of which require BILLIONS to fix!
Trump has been asking very valid questions that have needed to be addressed for decades and the “Hillary supporters” (who want to maintain the status quo) are shooting the messenger by insinuating that everyone who wants to discuss these valid concerns are “racists.” Of course, that is their perogative. It’s a free country and thus, they can vote for Hillary. And Trump supporters can certainly vote for Trump.