LOL, I know those SAP guys too. Most make near what you make, maybe $150ish. It comes with a bunch of baggage and I don’t mean the boredom.
Death march project, check.
Irrational customer, check.
Conflicting deliverables, check.
Long hours, check.
Travel to unexotic and dull places, check.
3rd reboot of the project after two fails and less flexibility on requirements, check.
Lawsuits, check.
To make good money in SAP, you need to travel, know the full stack, project management, have great people skills and a Clintonesque Teflon coating for the frequent sh*tslingng. Just imho.
The toughest skill for many is developing the skill to build and document what was asked for, whether or not it will work, while documenting who made the decision without pointing the finger at the exec that’s brought you in or another with more clout than them and making sure they have a goat to sacrifice that has their marks all over it.