LOL at the Guardian being the voice of the world. They are the voice of the blissfully deluded.
Besides the ridiculous comparisons of terrible wartime errors and a few reckless and stupid U.S. soldiers to a monster like Bin Laden, the problem with that writer’s sentiment (and the [almost?] MLK quote) is that muslim extremists have no respect for love or diplomacy, so it just plain doesn’t work with them. You can tell a rabid pit bull how much you care until you’re blue in the face, but it’s still going to eat your poodle, because it doesn’t think the way you do.
Whether we handled it perfectly or not, no one can argue that he didn’t need to be taken out of action, and he certainly deserves to be dead. It’s a credit to the discipline of the SEAL team that they didn’t put 50 holes in him.