[quote=localguy]Scripps Preserve is complete. I’m sure when the economy tanked, all the builders took one step to the right and swapped lots. When they post their sign and bring in the sales trailer, that is when we find out.
I don’t recall Toll Bros being in SD at all during the peak years. Now per their website all of the sudden they have 4 developments in SD with 2 in Oside, 1 in Crosby, and 1 in Stonebridge. Certainly with their lot purchase price they should be able to overwhelm the competition.
for example, Montoro lots were bought during the peak at $550k. They just sold a 5000 sqft home for 880k, which means the builder probably got that 5000 sqft home up for less than 300k, or less than $60/sqft! what kind of @#%$%# home can you really be looking at with that type of construction cost?
on the other hand, Toll Bros would still be able to pull in $100k per home profit even if they spend $100/sqft building a 4500 sqft home and sell it for $900k. The construction quality should be significantly better than Montoro and be able to attract people away from Montoro.