[quote=livinincali]The trick to getting rich. Get a little bit of money from a lot of people.[/quote]
Yes, and do so without them really knowing it.
Back in the day, athletes had to have real jobs during the off-season because they were paid primarily from ticket sales. Today, they are paid primarily from advertising dollars. That way, people who couldn’t care less about sports (people like myself) are forced to pay the multi-million dollar salaries of professional athletes and entertainers. Millions and millions of dollars to run around on fields and throw or kick balls. And people complain about cops, firefighters, and teachers. 🙁
It’s all about advertising dollars, and these are paid by those of us who simply shop for our daily necessities. It’s not about how much attention we pay to these entertainer/athlete knuckleheads, it’s about getting the rest of us to pay for them through media/ad sales.
I wish their salaries were only paid by those who watched sports. In my ideal world, they would make all their money from ticket sales and sports-only channel subscriptions.