[quote=livinincali][quote=SK in CV]
Yeah, except that order for 1.6 billion rounds? There’s no evidence it actually ever existed. Lots of talk about it. Same number keeps going round and round. Changes a bit. One article actually doubled it. 1.6 billion on top of 1.6 billion used over the last year. But dig some. See if you can actually find a specific citation. If there are citations, they all seem to lead back to Alex Jones. What the DHS actually said is that they’ve contracted to purchase up to 750 million rounds. Not this week’s order. Or this month’s order. Or even this year’s order. It’s over 5 years. And the actual obligation to purchase? Zero. It’s tin foil hat material.[/quote]
750 million rounds over a 5 year period is still rather large for an agency that admittedly uses about 15 million rounds in a given year for training purposes. For a government that’s been caught trying cover up all kinds of leaks and trying to distract attention through talking points I don’t have a whole lot of faith in just trust us.
Spending money this way is beyond absurd well into perverse. According to the AP story a DHS spokesperson justifies this acquisition to “help the government get a low price for a big purchase.” Peggy Dixon, spokeswoman for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center: “The training center and others like it run by the Homeland Security Department use as many as 15 million rounds every year, mostly on shooting ranges and in training exercises.”
Based on what I’ve gathered, the DHS and its affiliate organizations include about 100,000 gun-toting law enforcement agents. 1,000 rounds a year for training is probably insufficient to maintain proficiency. Yet that would work out to 100 million rounds. Double that wouldn’t be unreasonable. That 15 million rounds a year is wrong. Not possible. The way it’s worded, I think the reference is to 15 million rounds for a single facility. And they have many others like it across the country.
And the 750 million rounds wasn’t an order. It was a request for quote. And the request was for a indefinite quantity, indefinite delivery contract. the 750 was a cap, not an order.