[quote=livinincali]I don’t think Obama hates America. I think he’d like to see America become more socialist federally controlled country. He might hate certain aspects of our constitution, the 2nd amendment comes to mind. He might like to see the 1st and 4th more limited. That’s probably where the Obama hates American rhetoric is coming from.
Certainly, if he really wants more of a “socialist federally controlled country” and hates aspects of the constitution, he would have proposed legislation that supports those views. He hasn’t.
I think the reason that people argue that he hates America is that they’re racist. They don’t like having a black president. So they’ve made up lies to hide that racism. He hasn’t divided the country. The country has divided itself. On one side, you have people that are quite comfortable having a black president. On the other side, you have people who hate the idea. That he hasn’t brought those two sides together doesn’t make him divisive. It just exposes the latent racism that has been here for centuries. That racism has manifested itself as the republican party of today. Sadly, it is the perfect match with the bill of goods sold by Ronald Reagan, that the government is broken, can’t fix anything, and is the source of the problem. 35 years after making the argument, they’ve proved it by both making sure it is broken, and now have a candidate that plays into both the racist fears and absolute certainty that the government can’t help.