[quote=livinincali][quote=cvmom]I have been depressed to see our zoning processes in action. Money talks, that’s for sure. The voices of residents are much less important. Seems to me that CV homeowners better get ready for the negative impacts to our lifestyle and property values. I am glad our kids will soon be out of school, and we can move if we choose to.[/quote]
If it were up to the current residents there’d never be any development after their property was built. Welcome to NIMBYism. What are the really big negatives of a mixed use density project.
1) Traffic
2) Traffic
3) Traffic
4) Low income housing requirements (aka. I support affordable housing as far away as possible from my million+ dollar property)[/quote]
People are naturally suspicious of change, and that is what makes us all NIMBYs. Developers are automatically seen as the bad guys, and we can all cite instances to back up our beliefs.
However, density is actually environmentally more friendly than SFRs. And if the project is designed correctly, where you can walk to shopping and entertainment, an increasing subset of the population actually wants such a neighborhood. Look at the popularity of living in downtown San Diego–an alien concept just 20 years ago. Those residents take pride in not needing 2-3 cars per household, and they get more exercise than typical suburbanites. Add the fact that millenials are no longer lusting for a SFR as soon as they can afford it, and you have a recipe for a development that may be in high demand.